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New Doug News | Dragon Boat Festival meets a birthday party. I wish everyone health and safety, Pepsi!



Dragon Boat Festival on May 5
Every traditional festival
They all hide the taste memory of Chinese people
Peel a zongzi and chew it carefully for a moment
Just like a taste bud trip across the land
New Doug Technology Dragon Boat Festival holiday arrangement
According to the spirit of the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Partial Holidays in 2021, the specific arrangements for the holiday of the New Doug Technology Dragon Boat Festival are as follows:
The holiday lasts from June 12 to June 14, totaling 3 days.
In order not to affect the pace of friends and relatives
Give the Dragon Boat Festival gift in advance~
The season of zongzi fragrance
Thank you for joining hands with you
Wish all the new Doug people
Dragon Boat Festival is healthy and happy!
The festival also reminds everyone
Pause the busy day and welcome a small gathering
Take this holiday
The birthday party of New Doug Technology employees also arrived as scheduled
Besides the Dragon Boat Festival gift, there are full of birthday wishes!



Life is busy because of struggle
And a sense of birthday ceremony
Is to remind us that even if we are busy
Don't forget to embrace those love and care
Longevity stars from all departments gathered together
Use warm blessings and delicious cakes together
Open our collective birthday party
Transfer the warmth from the new Doug technology to each other
Growth meets unexpectedly and birthday arrives as scheduled
We sincerely wish everyone a happy birthday!